by GTDadmin | Apr 5, 2021
Report scams online to the Federal Trade Commission at You can also call 1-877-382-4357. The FTC is the primary government agency that collects scam complaints. Your State Attorney General’s Office can help too. Find your State...
by GTDadmin | Mar 24, 2021
Some scammers say you “”won a prize”” and try to make you pay something to claim your prize. This is a scam. Government law enforcement and debt collection offices will never call you and threaten you. Any calls like this are scams. Scammers...
by GTDadmin | Mar 23, 2021
Keeping money in a bank account is safe because most accounts are insured for up to $250,000 by the federal government. Benefits of using a bank account: You have more protection against fraud and accidental charges. Direct deposit into your account means money you...
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